Friday, 16 February 2018

The mobile app will tell you whether there are diabetes or not

The mobile app will tell you whether there are diabetes or not

Diabetes is the biggest disease in today’s world. According to WHO statistics, every third person in the country suffers from ailments. This is a disease that weakens the body slowly and has to be tested daily.
Considering all these things, NIT professors and studios have created a mobile application that will scan your eyes and tell you if you have diabetes or not. If the patient has diabetes, then he will also get information on which stage he is on.
Dr. RK Chaurasia said that this application was made under the Matt Lab Programming. This application has been prepared to protect diabetic patients from the test and pathology laboratories on-line. By which the patient can check the level of diabetes by itself.
Dr. RK Chaurasia further said that with this application the cost will be reduced, the best option is to get diabetes information immediately.
The app works like this:
The app has four stages. For which you have to scan the eye in a mobile camera. Normal sign if there is no diabetes. If start, then the mild and the situation will be serious, the waiter will be able to watch the stage. The final stage will show a proliferation.
click here to read in gujarati

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